Pilot Ranks : What Are They and How to Get the Highest?

Pilot Ranks : What Are They and How to Get the Highest?

Pilot ranks – what are they? How to get the highest ranking?

Have you ever looked up in the sky and wondered about the people flying the plane? Who are they, and how do they become top-notch pilots?

In this blog, we will explore the world of Pilot ranks, simplify the process, and see how you can become the best in the world of flying.

Pilots have different levels, just like in school or jobs. Let’s check out the common ranks you might hear about:

Student Pilot License :

This is where it all begins. As a student pilot, you’re learning how to fly with the help of a certified flight instructor. It’s like going to school, but you’re learning to fly.

Private Pilot License :

After you’ve learned and passed tests, you can get your private pilot’s license. This allows you to fly for fun or personal reasons.

Commercial Pilot License :

If you want to make flying your job, you need to become a commercial pilot. This means more training and experience. You can become a flight instructor or work for a company.

Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) :

This is the big deal. To become an ATP, you need lots of flying hours, usually around 1,500, and you must pass tough exams. ATPs are the ones who usually fly big planes for major airlines.

Captain :

When you’re an ATP, the next step is becoming a captain. It means you’re in charge of the plane and the safety of everyone on board. It’s like being the captain of a ship but in the sky.

Climbing the Ranks

Now, let’s talk about how to move up the ranks:

Education and Training :

You start by going to flight school, where you learn how to fly and study things like weather and rules. It’s not just flying; it’s knowing everything about planes.

Pass the Tests :

To move up, you must pass exams like the Private Pilot Written Exam and ATP Practical Exam. These exams make sure you know how to fly safely.

Get Flight Hours :

You need to fly a lot to get better. Many pilots start as flight instructors to get more flying hours.

Stay Committed :

Becoming a pilot takes time and effort. You might face problems, but you have to keep going.

Keep Learning :

Flying is always changing. To keep your rank and succeed, you need to learn about new technology, safety rules, and laws.

Becoming a top pilot, like a Captain or an ATP, is a journey that needs hard work and a love for flying. It’s not easy, but it’s very rewarding. Remember, all pilots started as students, and with the right training and determination, you can also become a great pilot. If you dream of being a pilot, don’t let anything stop you. The sky is the limit!

Felix Pilot Training Institute

 NO J-75, 1st floor, 4th Main Rd, J Block, Annanagar East, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600102

+91  8285676767, 9840637767

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How much is Pilot salary in India?

How much is Pilot salary in India?

How much is Pilot salary in India?

Hello, fellow aviation enthusiasts! We’re going to explore a topic that often sparks curiosity how much pilots in India get paid. Let’s dive into the world of numbers and dreams with a passion for flying as our guide.


How Much New Pilots Make?

Once you’ve mastered the skies and earned your Commercial Pilot License (CPL), it’s time to find your first job. The salary for a First Officer or Junior Pilot in India can range from 1.5 to 5 lakhs per month. This varies based on where you work, what type of plane you fly, and your experience. It’s important to note that as a junior pilot, you won’t live a lavish life right away. Your focus in the early years will be on building your flight hours and experience. It’s a time to prove yourself.


What Experienced Pilots Earn

 As you gain more flight hours and experience, your earnings will start to increase. Senior First Officers and Captains can make anywhere from 8 lakhs to 20 lakhs per month, and sometimes even more. Remember, it doesn’t happen quickly. It takes many years of hard work and dedication to reach those high positions.

Extra Benefits

Pilot salaries aren’t just about the basic pay. Airlines often sweeten the deal with various perks and bonuses. These can include extra money for layovers, international flights, and trips to remote places. These extra benefits can boost your annual income significantly.

Being a pilot is more than just a job; it’s a passion, a dream, and a way of life. While becoming a pilot can be expensive, and the starting salaries might not make you rich, the joy of flying high in the sky is priceless for those who truly love aviation.

So, if you dream of wearing those pilot stripes and taking control of the cockpit, go for it! Pilot salaries in India can provide a comfortable living, and the excitement of flying through the skies is something you can’t put a price on. Aim high, dream big, and make those dreams a reality!

Felix Pilot Training Institute

 NO J-75, 1st floor, 4th Main Rd, J Block, Annanagar East, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600102

+91  8285676767, 9840637767

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Is it costly to Become a Pilot in India? 

Is it costly to Become a Pilot in India? 

Is it costly to become a pilot in India? 

Becoming a pilot has always been a dream for many, and with good reason. The sheer thrill of soaring high above, charting your course through vast skies, and seeing the world from a unique vantage point is nothing short of mesmerizing. However, the path to becoming a pilot in India isn’t all sunshine and smooth landings. In this blog, you will get to know the nitty-gritty of what it costs to chase this dream and what aspiring pilots should know about the financial side of things.

Flight Training Expenses: 

The journey to becoming a pilot starts with flight training, and this is where a big chunk of the money goes. In India, most aspiring pilots get their training from flight schools, and it doesn’t come cheap. The price of a private pilot license (PPL) or a commercial pilot license (CPL) can vary from one school to another. You’re looking at roughly 35 to 45 lakhs, or even more, for a CPL.

Clearly, becoming a pilot in India carries a hefty price tag. Aspiring aviators need to plan and budget carefully. While the initial investment might feel daunting, many of us see it as an investment in a truly fulfilling and rewarding career. However, it’s important to be realistic about the financial commitment and explore options like scholarships or financial aid to lighten the load.

Also, keep in mind that the aviation industry is changing, and the demand for pilots in India and around the world is on the rise. This could mean more job opportunities with competitive salaries, which can help pilots recover their investments over time.

To wrap it up, living the dream of being a pilot in India does come with a cost. Though it may be a substantial one, with smart planning and unwavering determination, aspiring pilots can take to the skies and make their dreams a reality. Remember, the journey to the cockpit isn’t just about the money; it’s also a journey filled with passion, dedication, and a deep love for aviation that makes it all worthwhile in the end.

Felix Pilot Training Institute

 NO J-75, 1st floor, 4th Main Rd, J Block, Annanagar East, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600102

+91  8285676767, 9840637767

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How to become a Pilot?

How to become a Pilot?

How to become a pilot?

So, you’ve always dreamt of soaring through the skies, but you’re not sure how to make it happen? Don’t worry, becoming a pilot is not as complicated as it may seem. Let’s break it down in plain, simple terms. 


First things first, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to become a pilot! There’s this misconception that you have to have an Aeronautical Engineering degree to fly planes. Well, that’s just a myth. No matter what educational background you come from, the basic requirement to pursue a CPL (Commercial Pilot License) program is a 12th-grade education. If you’re from the science stream (you know, math, physics, and chem), you’re good to go. And for those in the arts stream, you can still make it happen with NIOS (The National Institute of Open Schooling) conversion. 

And here’s the best part – the bare minimum qualification is a high school diploma. If you happen to have a degree, that’s even better. But don’t let the education myth hold you back. 



Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty stuff – medicals. Your health is a big deal when you’re up in the air, right? 

For your first step, the Private Pilot License (PPL), you need to clear a Class 2 medical examination. This medical certificate is valid for two years, so you’ve got some breathing room. 

But if you’re aiming higher, for that Commercial Pilot License (CPL), you’ll need a Class 1 medical certificate, and this one is valid for just a year. Oh, and here’s a heads up – if your BMI isn’t quite proportionate, you might have to go through some additional tests. 

So, there you have it – the lowdown on how to kickstart your journey to becoming a pilot. No need for fancy degrees, just a passion for flying and a clean bill of health. Clear those medicals, and you’ll be one step closer to living your sky-high dreams!  

Felix Pilot Training Institute

 NO J-75, 1st floor, 4th Main Rd, J Block, Annanagar East, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600102

+91 8285676767, 9840637767